Congrats to 14 of our students who got into SHERIDAN ANIMATION 2023!


Congrats to 14 of our students who got into SHERIDAN ANIMATION 2023!

We are delighted to share some exciting news with everyone. 14 of our students have been accepted into the Sheridan Animation Program, one of the most prestigious animation programs in the world. Congratulations on this significant achievement!

This year’s surprise came too suddenly, and the Sheridan animation score results were announced more than a week earlier than previous years. Students who were nervous during the spring break can finally be relieved. Your hard work and persistent pursuit of the future must be the reason why you stand out among many applicants. Your animation score is a recognition and reward for your hard work, and it is also an important milestone on your future career and personal growth. I believe that you are ready to meet more challenges going into higher education. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Please do your best and make full use of the opportunities and resources of the university to become a better artist. At this special moment, Aureole Studios would like to congratulate and express our deepest thanks to you, we enjoy our time learning together with you!

Your acceptance into this Sheridan animation program is a testament to your talent, dedication, and hard work on creating your animation portfolio pieces. The animation industry is highly competitive, and being accepted into a program as prestigious as Sheridan College is a significant accomplishment.

The program you will be attending is renowned for its rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that provides students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the animation industry. The faculty members are industry professionals with years of experience in the field, and they are committed to helping you achieve your goals.

You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including studios, labs, and equipment that will help you develop your skills to the fullest. The program is designed to give you hands-on experience, allowing you to create your animations and work on projects that will challenge and inspire you.

At Sheridan College, you will be part of a vibrant community of creative individuals who share your passion for animation. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with your peers, learn from their experiences, and develop your network in the industry.

We are incredibly proud of your achievements and look forward to seeing the great things you will accomplish in the years to come. We know that this animation program will be a transformative experience for you, and we cannot wait to see how it shapes your future.

In addition to the skills and knowledge you will gain from this program, we encourage you to make the most of the extracurricular activities available to you. Join clubs, attend events, and engage in activities that interest you. These experiences will help you develop your leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, all of which are highly valued in the animation industry.

We want to remind you that this is just the beginning of your journey. You have a bright future ahead of you, and we believe in your ability to achieve your goals. We encourage you to work hard, stay focused, and never lose sight of your dreams.

Finally, we want to express our gratitude to the faculty, staff, and administrators who have supported you throughout this process. Their dedication and hard work have contributed to your success, and we are grateful for their contributions.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance into the Sheridan Animation Program. We cannot wait to see the incredible work and portfolio you will create in the years to come.




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