
A student majoring in architecture gains knowledge of the discipline’s theory and history as well as hands-on experience designing and planning their own architectural draughts.

In the first two years, there will be a lot of arithmetic as well as mechanics, structural analysis, and structural design covered. You’ll discover the science and engineering behind effective building design, including not just its structural components but also its considerations for energy efficiency, long-term viability, and smart/green building practices. Homes, tall structures, and public spaces are all made through the integration of engineering and design in architecture. Creativity, technical proficiency, and an artistic sense are prerequisites for this profession. Architects create the spaces that people live in, from contemporary homes to skyscrapers.

English 4U (ENG4U)

A minimum grade of 75 is required.

Advanced Functions 4U

A minimum grade of 70 is required.

Calculus and Vectors 4U 

A minimum grade of 70 is required.


A minimum grade of 70 is required.

Urban Planning

The study of urban planning focuses on understanding how cities or towns grow. Students learn how to take charge of creating new building zones and giving abandoned ones new uses. To generate ideas, plans, and potential solutions, they gather, analyse, and apply data.

Urban planning has an impact on our infrastructure, transportation network, and more. It also determines the layout and permitted densities of our residential, commercial, and industrial zones. Our cities quickly become inefficient and unwelcoming for both residents and companies without proper planning.

Strategic urban planning

Strategic urban planning is the setting of high-level goals to create a strategic plan. It incorporates all other types of urban planning into one comprehensive plan.

Land-use urban planning

This type of planning focuses on adhering to legislation and policy that determines how communities can use land through zoning or reservations. Different land purposes include residential, commercial, industrial and municipal for government buildings like police stations and courthouses.

Master planning

Master planning is for use of undeveloped land, so these types of planners envision future uses for previously unused spaces. They also consider the zoning and infrastructure needed to make a project possible.

Urban revitalization

Urban revitalization focuses on improving areas that are in a state of decline, such as an urban city that contains inefficient transportation and unsafe buildings. This type of urban planner is engaged with community members like local business owners and activists.

Economic development

Economic planning focuses on developing opportunities for financial growth, such as enticing companies to move into buildings or build new offices on specific land so new businesses can revitalize local economies.

Environmental planning

This type of planning focuses on sustainability and the preservation of the environment to improve the relationship between the natural environment and local communities. These planners may consider things like air pollution, noise pollution, wetlands, habitats, endangered species, natural disasters and coastal erosion.

Infrastructure planning

Planners who work in infrastructure work with facilities and systems that serve a city and its community. Examples of this infrastructure include sewage, electricity, schools, hospitals, parks, roads, police departments and fire fighting facilities.

To build plans that benefit the populace, urban planners gather and analyse a variety of data. They must have the analytical abilities to examine data sets and ascertain the context of the statistics and data sets in the real world. They forecast, for instance, how population, employment, and health trends may influence urban growth. They develop strategies based on their examination of demographic data like the census, market studies, and environmental studies.


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